Genre: Fiction
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2019
Pages: 336
Rating: Highly Recommend
Author: Ann Hood
Genre: Memoir
Publisher: Norton, W. W. & Company Inc., 2022
Pages: 288
Rating: Highly Recommend
In the air, Hood found both the adventure she'd dreamt of and the unexpected realities of life on the job. She carved chateaubriand in the first-class cabin and dined in front of the pyramids in Cairo, fended off passengers' advances and found romance on layovers in London and Lisbon, and walked more than a million miles in high heels. She flew through the start of deregulation, an oil crisis, massive furloughs, and a labor strike.
As the airline industry changed around her, Hood began to write - even drafting snatches of her first novel from the jump-seat. She reveals how the job empowered her, despite its roots in sexist standards.
Review: Fly Girl is a contender for my favorite book of the year. Written by a former flight attendant, I related so well to this book.
When I was little, and sometimes even now, I look up a plane and wonder where it came from and where it's going (although the Flight Radar app answers those burning questions). Even before I took my very first flight as a senior in high school I thought that being a flight attendant would be glamorous and exciting. I would still love to travel the world, and I still like to fly.
Well-written, entertaining, informative, and fun. In a way I feel like this book was written just for me. Loved it.