May 12, 2024

Mrs. Robert E. Lee: The Lady of Arlington

Author: John Perry
Genre: Biography
Publisher: Multnomah, 2003
Pages: 400
Rating: Recommend

Synopsis: Many know about her husband, Robert E. Lee, and her great-grandmother, Martha Washington; may have visited the cemetery that now occupies her family estate. But few today know much about Mary Custis Lee herself. Chronically ill and often in excruciating pain, Mary raised seven children, faithfully witnessing to her husband for years before his conversion. She retained her dignity and faith throughout a fruitless heartbreaking attempt to win compensation for the confiscation of her home and possessions. History is never more powerful than when it provides a role model for enduring hardship with sturdy and radiant faith. Mary Custis Lee is such an example.

Review: I picked this book up at my local library "Fill a Bag" (for $5) book sale. I passed over it a couple times, but on my way out, figured why not? If I started it and didn't care for it, it's easily passed on to someone else or re-donated.

I actually loved it. Informative, interesting, and engaging.

I have been to Arlington National Cemetery several times, and it is so peaceful and beautiful. 

It's fair to say that times aren't all that different now.

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