"A Matter of Class"
Author: Mary Balogh
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Vanguard Press
Pages: 190
My Rating: Highly Recommend
A Matter of Class has a fun little twist that makes this book one of my favorites in this genre.

Synopsis: This is the story of Lady Annabelle Ashton, the only child of the most austere Earl of Havercroft and Reginald Mason, the son of a crass social climbing merchant. When the book opens Reginald is being schooled by his father. During the last year Reginald has become a profligate dandy. His father seeks to put an end to his extravagance. Reginald counters that he is a young up-and-comer who, at the age of twenty five years, is only aping the behavior of his gentlemen companions. These are the activities and interests of the idle gentry class. And, oh by the way, his is not the worst transgression in the neighborhood, has his father heard about the Earl's diamond of a daughter? No? Well, she has utterly and completely ruined herself in a failed attempt at elopement with her father's handsome footman. Reginald's father gleefully smiles and rubs his palms together. Here is an opportunity, for advancement and revenge. His old enemy, the Earl, is in dire straits, he needs the money his daughter was to marry into. No one of his class will have the chit now. He, the one the Earl looks down his long nose at, will save the family from ruin and in doing so elevate his son. Proud Annabelle has been locked in a barren room with only her bible for companionship. She is to be sent to a distant estate to live out her days as a spinster. How far she has fallen. Even her mother's companionship is to be denied to her. How could her plans have gone so horribly awry? Annabelle is no ones damsel in distress, but if ever she needed a knight it is now. Someone to fight by her side. Her father enters her cell, the family has been saved. Saved by that odious merchant and his limp noodle of a son. So begins Reginald and Annabelle's story. It is a lighthearted tale. With Ms. Balogh's trademarks of sweet humor, strong characters and engaging plot. From the beginning we know that all is not exactly as it seems and it is fun work figuring out exactly what these two characters have been up to.
Review: I just happened to see this book sitting on the shelf with new arrivals at the library and since it was short decided to check it out. It's a thoroughly enjoyable light read. There's a fun little twist that I did suspect eventually, but I'd love to read another of Balogh's novel(la)s. It's a short 190 pages (I finished it in a few hours) and I loved every minute.
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