Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group, 2018
Pages: 304 (9 hours audio)
Rating: Highly Recommend

Synopsis: In pursuit of a Russian sleeper cell on American soil, CIA analyst Vivian Miller uncovers a dangerous secret that will threaten her job, her family, and her life.
On track for a much-needed promotion, she's developed a system of identifying Russian agents, seemingly normal people living in plain sight.
After accessing the computer of a potential Russian operative, Vivian stumbles on a secret dossier of deep-cover agents within America's borders. A few clicks later, everything that matters to her - her job, her husband, even her four children - is threatened.
Vivian has vowed to defend her country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But now she's facing impossible choices. Torn between loyalty and betrayal, allegiance and treason, love and suspicion, who can she trust?
Review: I don't remember any other book confronting me with so many ethical questions so early on. What would I do in this same situation? Would I really?
This novel is gripping, especially within the first couple of chapters. I had to stop the CD, give myself a break, and get back into the real world several times. A few discs in, my anxiety over these situations and characters calmed, but the novel still moved full-steam ahead.
The ending, wow, the ending. The whole book was worth it for the last paragraph of the epilogue alone.
I'm sure the hard back book would be good, but listening to the audio brings another element into the story. It's one of the reasons I like listening to mysteries and thrillers so much.
I don't often watch movies based on books. Read, rarely, but this one could be very good. I'm pretty sure I'm going to watch it.
Other Books by Karen Cleveland:
Published 2019, Keep You Close
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