April 25, 2024


Author: Janet Dailey*
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Kensington, 2023
Pages: 304
Rating: Recommend

Synopsis: Tess Champion knows better than to trust Brock Tolman, the rancher who once swindled her late father in a land deal. But with the Alamo Canyon Ranch in foreclosure, Tess is forced to accept Brock's offer of a partnership. Brock claims he only want to breed the Champion bloodline into his herd. In exchange, he offers Tess one of his own young bulls. Soon enough, Quicksand is the rising star of the rodeo circuit, which only proves Tess is better at picking bulls than she is men. Because she's way too tempted to surrender to her attraction to Brock, despite her fear that he's involved in the accidents besetting both ranches.

It's not until a murder, an explosion, and a plane crash in the wilderness strand them together that the truth of their relationship will come out. The Champion's family's future is on the line, but it's Tess who will take the hit if she's fallen for the wrong man.

Review: I enjoyed this series
, and each book was better than the last. Quicksand was my favorite.

*Janet Dailey passed away in 2013, and her books are being ghost written. I did some research, but didn't come up with a name or author.

The Champions Series
Whirlwind, Book 1
Whiplash, Book 2
Quicksand, Book 3

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