September 7, 2020

The Irresistable Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe

Author: Mary Simses
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company, 2014
Pages: 368
Rating: Recommend

Synopsis: Ellen Branford is going to fulfill her grandmother's dying wish - to find the hometown boy she once loved, and give him her last letter. Ellen leaves Manhattan and her Kennedy-esque fiance for Beacon, Maine. What should be a one-day trip is quickly complicated when she almost drowns in the chilly bay and is saved by a local carpenter.

The rescue turns Ellen into something of a local celebrity, which may or may not help her unravel the past her grandmother labored to keep hidden. As she learns about her grandmother and herself, it bcome s clear that 24-hour visit to Beacon may never be enough.

Review: The blueberry didn't fall far from the bush. . .isn't that how the old saying goes?

Ellen and her grandmother led oddly similar lives, but that happens doesn't it? Both dumped men who loved them, and abandoned their passions. Although, I'd like to think Ellen is still doing photography; maybe taking pictures of the spoils from the cafe for her baking blog :-)

At first blush this is just another cheesy, light, and fun romance novel, but if you dig a little deeper, life in all its messy glory is there.

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