June 20, 2024

Summers at The Saint

Author: Mary Kay Andrews
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2024
Pages: 448
Rating: Highly Recommend

Synopsis: Everyone refers to St. Cecilia as "the Saint." If you grew up coming here, you were "a Saint." If you came from the wrong side of the river, you were an "Ain't." Traci Eddings was one of those outsiders whose family wasn't rich enough or connected enough to vacation here. But she could work here. One fateful summer she did, and married the boss' son. Now, she's the widowed owner of the hotel, determined to see it return to its glory days, even as staff shortages and financial troubles threaten to ruin it. Plus, her greedy and unscrupulous brother-in-law wants to make sure she fails. Enlisting a motley crew of recently hired summer help - including the daughter of her estranged best friend - Traci has one summer season to turn it around. But new information about a long ago drowning at the hotel threatens to come to light, and the tragic death of one of their own brings Traci to the brink of despair.

Review: This book quickly went in a direction I did not foresee. It's a hot book in my Facebook reading groups, and I can see why. Perfect summertime novel, by a bestselling author.

This novel has quite a few characters and several subplots, but for me, it works. I found myself (mentally) at my favorite resort hotel - The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Summers at The Saint captures all the moving parts, the energy, and general hubbub of a summertime resort. 

Other Mary Kay Andrew Novels
Ladies Night

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