June 30, 2024

The First Ladies

Author: Feather Schwartz Foster
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Sourcebooks, 2011
Pages: 192
Rating: Recommend

Synopsis: As a young nation grew into its own, it was not just the presidents who led the way. The remarkable women of the White House, often neglected by history, had a heavy hand in the shaping of America. The earliest First Ladies of the United States left countless untold legacies behind after their role at the White House was over. 

Decidedly different from their modern day counterparts, the nation's first presidential wives made their impact not only in terms of political policy or broad social and civic service, but with unique, personal, and often long-lasting accomplishments.

Review: I read a book about Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ike & Kay, so my next choice was a book about Mamie. I located this one, but it was just a brief chapter. However, I like reading little tidbits about people so I opted to read the whole book, all 192 pages. It was interesting and worth the time.

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